Diane Mcleod
Artist’s Bio and Abbreviated Resume
I have created art for decades. Originally from Detroit, MI, I spent most growing up years in Minnesota. I earned a Bachelor degree at the University of Minnesota, and a Master of Arts degree from New York University. My husband and I moved to California in 1981 and I resumed teaching art to high school students for a total of sixteen years. During that time, I became a member of the Los Angeles Printmaking Society and its President 2009-2011. I am now President of the LAPS Foundation, the granting branch of the Society. During my teaching years, as now, I kept steadily involved with creating art and showing it in galleries and art competitions. I have many art shows and competition accomplishments, and Awards, Reviews, Collectiion
representation andcCommissions. Here is an Abbreviated Resume of some of those:
-Print Mural Installation, “We Got This,” Hope in the Time of Corona, Long Beach Airport, Long
Beach, CA, 2021
-Immigration Project, Self Help Graphics, Los Angeles andItaly Galleries, 2020, 2021
-Solo Exhibition, Utopia Gallery, Print Exhibition, Long Beach, CA 2020
-Featured Print Artist, New York Mills Regional Cultural Arts Center, New York Mills, MN, 2020
-2020 LA Open Exhibition, Tag Gallery, Los Angeles, CA, 2020
-Sweet Earth/Bitter Earth, Los Angeles Printmaking Society Exhibition, Arts Center at Eagle
Rock, Los Angeles, CA 2019
-Nocturne, Open Juried Exhibition with 15 Artists, Tang Gallery, Brisbee, AZ, 2019
-12th Annual California Centered Printmaking, Merced Art Council Gallery, Merced, CA, 2018
-33rd Annual Made in California Juried Exhibition, Brea, CA, 2018
-Roots and Fruits, Founders of the Women’s Art Registry of Minnesota, Catherine G. Murphy
Gallery, Minneapolis, MN, 2018
-Press On!, Juried Prints by LAPS Artists, Santa Monica, CA 2017
-Layers of Identity Jerusalem Exchange Show, Arena One Gallery, Santa Monica, CA 2015
-Traditional Printmaking: Pushing the Limits, San Luis Obispo Museum of Art, 2014
-Ink & Clay National Exhibition, Kellogg Art Gallery, Pomona, CA, 2014
-LA and Beyond, Juried Exchange Exhibit, LA Print Space, West Hollywood,CA 2013
-Traces, Marks and Fragments, Juried Printmaking Exhibit, San Luis Obispo, CA 2012
-Juried LAPS Members Juried Exhibition, Pacific Design Center, Los Angeles, CA, 2011
-Southern California Printmaking Juried Exhibition, Palos Verdes Art Center, Palos Verdes,
CA, 2011
-Juried Los Angeles Printmaking Society Exhibition, Palos Verdes Art Center, Palos Verdes,
CA 2011
-Solo Exhibition, Brand Library Art Galleries, Glendale, CA, 2010
Recent Awards
-Print Mural Exhibition, “We Got This,” Long Beach Airport Mural Competition, One of 19 selected artistsout of 135, Honorarium awarded
- Long Beach Airport Displays Seal Beach Artist’s Monotype Print, Sun Newspaper article, May
13, 2021
-$5,000 Grant from California Arts Council, Relief Grant Applied for as LAPS Foundation President and for purpose of grants to promising matriculated Printmaking students in colleges or universities print programs

"Corona Transformed" mural installed at Long Beach Airport after McLeod was selected as one of 29 women artists from 135 applicants for the exhibition "We Got This," hopeful messages in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic. An honorarium was also awarded her and an article about Diane's honor came out May 13, 2021 in the Seal Beach Sun newspaper.